It was very different having to interview people in Oakland than in Walnut Creek. In Walnut Creek most of the people kept telling us no or that they were in a hurry, here in Fruitvale most people let us interview them. I think it has to do with where we come from because since we are from the same community we can talk more about what goes on around here and in Walnut Creek we didn't know anything bout them and they didn't know anything about us so that made it harder for us. I also think it has to do with the camera and the voice recorder. When we went to Walnut Creek most people would say "no" once they seen the camera. In Fruitvale they said yes because we were just recording their voice. For me it was easier to interview people in Fruitvale because we fit in and everyone knows what happens around here. Something new that I learned while i was interviewing the people in Fruitvale is that most people said that they have seen a lot of violence happening and that no matter what happens they would still like to stay living here. Some things that i like about Fruitvale is that there are a lot of different shops around there. You see a liquor store, the bart station, a highschool, dentists and some dress shops where a lot of young ladies go buy their dress for their Quinceañera. Some things that i don't like about Fruitvale is that a lot of people got robbed there and they also get beat up. Another thing that i don't like about Fruitvale is that when somenoe sees another person getting hit they don't do anything to try to stop it they just walk away like it's no big deal. The biggest thing that i don't like about Fruitvale is that the police has been standing there and thiefs be doing things right infront of them and they don't do anything about it. Something that I learned about my topic(economics) while we were interviewing people in Fruitvale is that the prices are cheaper than in Walnut Creek. In Fruitvale we saw a dress for $29.99 and in Walnut Creek we didn't see any dress shops at all.
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